Ireland Immigrant Investor Programme: Citizenship Conditions

September 3, 2020 – An Irish Immigrant Investor application and his accompany family members can apply to obtain Irish citizenship (Ireland Passport), through naturalisation. After five years of the residence permission, the applicant and his a…

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Ireland Immigrant Investor Program: Procedure

June 15, 2020 – Review and Submission – Following the review by an Irish legal advisor of the documentation provided the applicant, the Irish Immigrant Investor Program (“IIIP”) application is submitted to the Irish Naturalization and Immigrati…

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Ireland Immigrant Investor Program: Residency Requirements and Renewal

June 15, 2020 – To maintain the residency permission in Ireland, the applicant shall be required to travel to Ireland at least once a calendar year (e.g. January to December of each year) for an initial two-year period. At the end of this initi…

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